Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today.... shaping up to be an awesome day.

First, the weather is unbelievably nice. Blue skies, warm, slight breeze. Perfect Spring day.

Second, I got a lot of much-needed sleep last night, and just had a kick-ass workout. I'm so juiced that I am going to pump up the Fuji and take it out to the park today.

Third, I was just awarded a ton of freelance work, which should keep me very busy for the next few weeks (in my spare time).

Additionally, my brother let me know that we are meeting at the "boat" tomorrow for Easter Brunch, so I get to hang with my family. Family time is always fun, but when you include a buffet with a chocolate fountain, well, need I say more?

And finally, someone I know who's endured mucho in-vitro treatments the last 6 years trying to conceive with her husband has just announced that she's knocked up. The old-fashioned way. Very nice. And how special, that when you're not trying and have about given up hope, you get a gift like this.

Good day.


DoeHands said...

That's how I was conceived! My half sister is 15 years my senior, but my parents met when she was 7 or something.

Kristin said...

See! Some of the best things in life are surprises...