Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Star Wars Day

Apparently today is Star Wars day.

My brother owned, I think, EVERYTHING ever made for Star Wars. Every action figure, the Millennium Falcon, Tie Fighters, Death Star, the larger action figures (bigger than Barbies). I remember one Easter, instead of hiding eggs with money, my mom hid Star Wars action figures.

My favorite? The Jawa. He (it?) had a cloth robe-thing, and scary yellow glowing eyes.

I believe we went through 3 Chewbaccas. I recall one getting lost, and another getting run over by the big green wood-paneled Buick in the driveway.


Jeff said...

I still have every Star Wars figure from the first two movies. While they are out of the package, they are in perfect condition and I still have every weapon.

Kristin said...

I think my brother would be interested in playing with you.