Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fargo Fights On

It's rough going in ND. As the folks of Fargo fill sandbag after sandbag in an effort to hold back the Red River, parts of the area are already flooding badly and rescues are underway.

What makes these flood rescues more dire than others are the freezing temperatures, the snowstorm, and the fact that many of the vehicles in these areas are frozen and won't move. So they've got airboats, the kind you see in the bayou, out picking stranded people up and moving them to safety.

The river is expected to crest Friday at 41 feet above flood stage. That's bad. It's coming down to the wire now, and the efforts on behalf of the city and state residents, and others who have traveled there to lend a hand will be put to the test in the next 48 hours.

In the photo with the guy shoveling, he's waist-deep in slush/water, freezing slush/water, attempting to clear out a drainage ditch so the water will have somewhere to go.

Thankfully, Obama declared ND a disaster area, so the state will have 75% of their flood-prevention and rescue efforts paid for.

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