Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh Mickey, you WERE so fine...

A fellow blogger recently did a review of Diner, which featured a very young Mickey Rourke. This led me to rent "9 1/2 Weeks", a movie I haven't seen since it was out in theaters, featuring a young Mickey Rourke.

I'd forgotten how good that movie was. I'd also forgotten how hot Mickey Rourke was. Wow.

So here is my question. WHY, Mickey? What the HELL did you do to your face? He was soft and tender and smooth and handsome in his youth. In his earlier movies like Body Heat, The Pope of Greenwich Village and Rumble Fish, he exuded this easy-going, happy sensuality. His face, his voice, you could trust him, you wanted to be his best girl (or best friend, for you guys out there).

Now he looks like a Dr. 90210 plastic surgery nightmare gone real bad. Greasy, rambling, unsteady, unfocused, just a lukewarm mess. Not a hot mess. Not dirty sexy. Just dirty. Boo.

I have a good friend that I think looked a lot like a young Mickey when he was in his 20's. My friend is now 40, and his looks haven't changed much in the last 15 years - he's still handsome as ever. I believe Mickey would look a lot like my friend. Maybe I'll post his pic, so you could see what Mickey might look like now, sans plastic surgery, boxing after-effects and such.

I want to see the Wrestler. I really do. But see, I've watched the movie Domino, and that scarred me a bit - it's like Mickey split into two beings, one being the young knockout from the 80's and the other being the biggest dirty/greezy mess in 21st century cinema. I want the old Mickey back. I miss him. I look at the new Mickey and wonder what could be done, medically, to bring him back to how he was 20-odd years ago.

Yeah, I know I'm waxing on about the guy's looks. I probably sound superficial. But in my opinion, they overshadow his acting chops. Even his voice is different now.

I've got Body Heat and Rumble Fish cued up in my NetFlix, can't wait to relive happier times with Mick. Until I finish my trip down memory lane, The Wrestler will have to wait.


Anonymous said...

Oh Mickey, what a pity, you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand
Oh Mickey, you're so pretty, can't you understand
It's guys like you, Mickey
Ooh what you do Mickey, do Mickey
Don't break my heart, Mickey.

Jeff said...

The wrestler is great.
And Rumble Fish is one of my favorite movies of all time.

DoeHands said...

When I was younger (and apparently now, sometimes-- I just started this comment to relay to you a very funny movie description I saw on TV, but I made this mistake) I always would get Mickey Rooney and Mickey Rourke confused, but only by calling one the other's name.

In case you were curious, the movie description was "Leave 'em Laughing: Mickey Rooney stars in this film about a circus clown who cared for homeless children."

Sounds like a winner, probably made for the hallmark channel.

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