Friday, March 27, 2009


Got some issues worked out in class last night. Also got my midterm back....A-. Nice.

I am feeling very optimistic today - I have several plans for today, some take place this morning, others this afternoon, and some this evening. All have the potential for very positive outcomes, some of which are in my control, some are completely out of my control. It's a good mix. I'm excited to see what happens.

My former coworker is having a party tonight, with the timely theme of "Unemployment Jam 2009". Love it. I will be there, at some point, to celebrate what I see as a liberation.

I am looking forward to seeing what looks to be a scary movie today, A Haunting In Connecticut. By all accounts, it's got the perfect mix of elements for success - based on a true story, séances, former funeral home, out of tune piano music, big old farmhouse, spooky basement, spirits, well-meaning priest, and Virginia Madsen of Candyman and The Prophecy fame.

This movie, "Away We Go", also looks good - David Eggers, who wrote it, is amazing, and Sam Mendes directs. Recipe for greatness. Also, any move Maggie Gyllenhall is in always seems to entertain. If you don't believe me, check out "Secretary". Entertaining as hell.

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