Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pout Some More, Ye Old Rocker

Oh Bret.

Can you get plastic surgery for constantly pursed lips? Looks like it. He's so dirty. But not sexy dirty...just washed-up, fake baked & Euro-tressed dirty. So why do I watch Rock Of Love? Because it's an entertaining train wreck that transports me from my current troubles into a land of hilarious, old-rocker-wanna-be-new-rocker fantasy.

He was in St. Louis last night...his Rock Of Love Tour hit up some of our loverly casino bars. Since tickets were $35, I opted to meet a friend at Tin Can.

Found this ode to Mr. Michaels. Even tweens watch ROLB. Nice parody.


Anonymous said...

Bret is an abomination to all that is 80's metal. The metal community should banish him to Kazakhstan where he will live out his days married to a goat.

DoeHands said...

DUDE DUDE DUDE! DANZIG signed up to do the same type of show...can you believe it?!?!? I'm SO watching it.

Kristin said...

No way...Glenn Danzig??? That is going to be WAY BETTER than Rock of Love...can you imagine the girls they'll get to vie for his attention? Kick ass!

How are you feeling??